  1. Array
  2. toggle

Basic usage

If the item matching the condition already exists in the list it will be removed. If it does not it will be added.

import { toggle } from 'radash'

const gods = ['ra', 'zeus', 'loki']

toggle(gods, 'ra')     // => [zeus, loki]
toggle(gods, 'vishnu') // => [ra, zeus, loki, vishnu]

toggle(list, item, identity)

You can pass an optional toKey function to determine the identity of non-primitive values. Helpful when working with more complex data types.

import { toggle } from 'radash'

const ra = { name: 'Ra' }
const zeus = { name: 'Zeus' }
const loki = { name: 'Loki' }
const vishnu = { name: 'Vishnu' }

const gods = [ra, zeus, loki]

toggle(gods, ra, g => g.name)     // => [zeus, loki]
toggle(gods, vishnu, g => g.name) // => [ra, zeus, loki, vishnu]

toggle(list, item, identity, options)

By default, toggle will append the item if it does not exist. If you need to prepend the item instead you can override the strategy in the options argument.

import { toggle } from 'radash'

const gods = ['ra', 'zeus', 'loki']

toggle(gods, 'vishnu', g => g, { strategy: 'prepend' }) // => [vishnu, ra, zeus, loki]